
Handing in your notice…

Should be a simple enough thing to do really but it may not always feel like this.You’ve landed the job of your dreams but before you can really start to count the days, you need to have a conversation with your current boss to tell him/her that you are leaving.
In most organisations you’ll have a …

The Art of the Interview

Interview performances can be extremely variable.  Often, those who on paper look like they’re the right man (or woman) for the job, turn out to be not quite right.  Equally, someone who isn’t as strong on paper, can surprise everyone by being spot on with the culture of a place.
So clearly, a lot r…


I've been planning to create a PMP blogspot for some time now and finally I've got around to it. Hurrah!  Fundamentally, I'd imagine that most candidates would rather I was spending my time hunting down their perfect marketing jobs rather than blogging but I'd like this to be a usef…