
I've been planning to create a PMP blogspot for some time now and finally I've got around to it. Hurrah!  Fundamentally, I'd imagine that most candidates would rather I was spending my time hunting down their perfect marketing jobs rather than blogging but I'd like this to be a useful blog rather than 'a day in the life of a recruitment consultant'.  I find myself giving candidates advice on so many different aspects of the job search process that I thought when I think about or give people advice, it might help if I wrote it down and then people can refer back to it when it suits them.  Oh, and they can also tell all their friends about it.  I'll be including topics like how to improve your CV, top interview tactics, working with recruiters (they're not all as good as me!) and what hobbies are acceptable on a CV (you'd be surprised with what people come up with...).  Hopefully you'll find it a fun and informative way to help you find your way to your Perfect Marketing role.  I'll be tweeting whenever there is a new post so do make sure you're following us on Twitter.  If you've got any ideas for subject topics, do let me know!   Hope you enjoy them!  Fiona